Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man

So I haven't done one of these in a while and since then I have seen most of the movies on my summer movie list (check out this post here). So my brother's birthday was on July 3 and its kind of a tradition I always take him out to a movie on his birthday. It helps that all of the movies we really want to see fall on his birthday.

I make it no secret that I am a huge super hero fan and Spider-Man happens to be my all time favorite, with Captain America a close second. Although he is my favorite, the last Spider-Man with Toby Maguire was for lack of a better term horrible. I mean dancing emo Spider-Man come on directors! What were you thinking?

So when a new Spider-Man movie was announced I was excited but then I saw who played Spider-Man and I was a little skeptical. Not saying that Andrew Garfield is not an exceptional actor. He did amazing in the Social Network and he was even in Doctor Who my favorite BBC show. I just didn't think he fit the geeky profile that Peter Parker requires.

Lets just say I was impressed with his performance and he had me from the first line of the movie. I don't want to give away too much about the movie (I tend to do that when really excited about a film). THIS was the best Spider-Man yet! It had action, comedy, and a love story that did not feel too cheesy or forced. And an added bonus the opening credits did not last more than a minute.

So go see The Amazing Spider-Man I think you will be blown away and the bad taste from the the third Spider-Man will be washed from your mouth.

Check Out Some Stills From The Movie


Jess said...

I'm not a super hero lover...BUT I have a soft spot in my heart for the Spiderman movies. Weird? Maybe, haha! Either way, I can't wait to go see this :)


Breanna said...

No its not weird at all! I use to forsake all other super heroes except for Spider-Man when I was a kid haha. I know you will love it one fellow Spider-Man lover to another :)