Friday, March 18, 2011

And Out Come The CupCakes

Hey remember how I said id post some photos of recent cupcakes that I have made. Although I have made a lot recently (or felt like it) I only have a few to share. Which reminds me that I should take more photos of my  cooking escapades and post them since I am starting to bake more. Without further ado out come the cupcakes.

These are bacon maple cupcakes with maple frosting made for Sam's Lumberjack Birthday party

Pardon the leaning cupcake tower

The leaves are made with green fondant

Good for plastic animals as well

The Butterbeer Cupcakes for Sara's Birthday Suprise

With these photos I began during the baking process
well kind of I just a photo of the batter 

 The end result a butterbeer cupcake with butterscotch genache and butterscotch frosting

With yellow lighting bolt fondant pieces

There you have it two cupcakes I have made, hopefully I will have more in the future with better quality photography.

1 comment:

Sara said...

They were sooooo yummy ! Yes please take more photos of your baking adventures!! :) So fun!